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Recruiting an engineer - Business Forum

For the past 18 years, IMT Mines Alès has been organising a Company Forum to give its students the opportunity to meet working engineers, both alumni and non-alumni, with varying levels of experience, as well as directors and human resources managers.
The first event was held in 2005 with 24 companies, and was hosted by the school, transformed into a trade fair with stands measuring 3 metres by 3 metres.
Aware of the positive impact it has had on its students, IMT Mines Alès has continued along this path and has gone from strength to strength over the years.

1 500

students during the day


companies met

Stands and 20-minute mini-conferences allow companies to present the different types of jobs and careers available. Presenting a concrete subject allows them to meet up with the greatest number of students in the shortest possible time (some examples being: project of the year or career of an engineer ).Following these presentations, B2B meetings can take place at the stands.
A wide and attractive range of meetings for innovation involving players in education, research and economic development.

When is it held?

Every year in November