The SIMULCRISE platform (Crisis Management Simulator) is intended for research and training in crisis management related to major hazards, based on methods such as innovative educational engineering, interactive scripting, targeted observation, specific debriefing, or capitalization of experience
Its different objectives are the improvement of crisis management processes and practices, the characterization of decision-making through observation, the implementation of an innovative pedagogy, the training and support to managers and decision-makers, and the sensitization of actors to crisis issues.
Main equipement
The LivingLab: experimental methods, decision making support tools, modelling of dangerous phenomena, psychosocial approaches, social media, observational methods, field of experimentation for PhD candidates.
- Two 12-person simulation rooms
- Facilitation and observation room
- Joint or function-based observation grids
- SimulCrise software suite to assist the supervision of exercises
- Asymut simulation assistance software programme
- TwitterLike crisis awareness-raising and communication tool
- Facilitation methods and tools
- Deployable outside the simulator
Activities and fields of application
Experimentation and validation platform:
- Supporting local authorities
- Integrated training plans
- Developing innovative methods and tools
- Experimentation and validation platform
- Collaborative research
- Collaboration with universities: psychosocial sciences (Nîmes), neurosciences (Montpellier)
- Municipalities
- Major industrial groups
- Public institutions (prefectures, subprefectures)
- Manufacturing companies
- Civil security
- Engineering training
Scientific expertise & Knowhow
A modulable and innovative experimental framework to develop and validate new approaches and tools
Possible scenarios: flooding, forest fires, cyclones, Natech, industrial accidents, dam bursts, transportation of hazardous substances...
Different types of exercises: MSP, SIP, IOP, Orsec plan...
Recent projects
Crisis exercise 2020
Exercise "Special Safety Plan" (Plan Particulier de Mise en Sûreté)
Aix-Marseille University - Health, Safety and Environment Department
12 players, 3 facilitators, 1 observer
Support for the preparation of crisis management in case of forest fire on the campus of Luminy (Marseille)
ANR SPICy Project 2016 (Projet-ANR-14-CE03-0013)

Municipal Safeguard Plan (MSP) exercise
Municipalities of Saint-Paul and Sainte-Suzanne (Réunion Island)
15 players, 12 facilitators, 4 observers
Assessment of the crisis forecast and management tools refined and validated during the exercises, in addition to the MSP exercise
Safety Exercise 2016 / 2018
Special Intervention Plan (SIP) and Municipal Safeguard Plan (MSP) exercise
Gard Department Prefecture, Alès Subprefecture, Alès Municipality
35 players, 7 facilitators, 5 observers
Support for municipalities and public institutions in conducing the exercises of the annual prefectural schedule
PCS Exercise 2017
Municipal Safeguard Plan (MSP) exercise without simulator
Municipality of Saint-Chaptes (Gard)
15 players, 3 facilitators, 2 observers
Multirisk scenario (flooding, transportation of hazardous substances, implementation of the Special School Protection Plan)
Deployment of facilitation and simulation methods and tools outside the simulator